The Expert's Examiner
2022 CONFERENCE RECAP (by President Alan Besnoff)July 20, 2022
We would like to extend a huge thank you to our member speakers/panelists, as well as our guest speakers as detailed below!
This year some highlights of the conference included: More time specifically for networking with other members and guest speakers was an objective for the conference, driven by feedback from prior conferences. To accomplish that objective and facilitate networking this year’s conference included:
- More time between sessions to assure ample time for networking with each other and guest speakers.
- Planned after-dinner activities for attendees to select from. Even our keynote speaker participated in one of the after-dinner activities.
- New member breakfast and workshop, which in addition to facilitating networking with and between our newer members, also provided workshop attendees with an overview of SER resources and committee functions. Newer members were paired with Board members to facilitate additional introductions. They are also encouraged to express their interest in serving on a committee.
- Our speed networking session provided an opportunity to assure each attendee had at least a few moments to be introduced to every other attendee.
- The Saturday night post-conference dinner was an excellent opportunity to unwind and get to know one another even better.
Other important objectives of the conference were skill building and providing members with valuable information which can be implemented immediately.
- “Testifying Skills for Deposition or Trial”, led by member Charles Ranson, featured Chuck Dorr, Esq. from Dorr Law, who provided great insight and specific exercises members can use to assure highly effective expert testimony at deposition and trial.
- SER Member Hollie Mason led and moderated a Panel on FINRA and SEC Regulatory and Enforcement Updates with Paul Schindler, Esq., Chief Counsel FINRA Enforcement, and David Becker, Esq., Assistant Director, SEC. This Panel did a great job of discussing and informing members of 2022 enforcement highlights and what’s next in terms of agency enforcement priorities.
- Stephen Topetzes, Esq., with K & L Gates, led an informative discussion on Expert Engagement Opportunities in Enforcement Actions.
- Alan Besnoff, SER President, led a candid and detailed discussion on Ethical Considerations for Experts and how to avoid potential traps facing expert witnesses.
- SER Member, Jack Herrmann, provided members insight into Engagement Opportunities and Diversifying an Expert Practice with Non-Traditional Areas.
- Richard W. Berry, Esq., Executive Vice President and Director of FINRA’s Office of Dispute Resolution, spoke candidly about the controversy surrounding the widely publicized FINRA arbitration case in which a Motion to Vacate was granted, with the judge finding the Respondent and its Counsel manipulated the arbitrator selection process by entering into a secret agreement with FINRA. Mr. Berry addressed the findings outlined in the Report of the Independent Review of FINRA’s Dispute Resolution Services- Arbitrator Selection Process, which ultimately found no evidence of any secret agreement and does not believe there was any secret agreement.
- SER Members Jack Herrmann and Bob Lawson led an enlightening discussion on the role of the expert witness in the mediation process and the best ways for an expert to participate in mediation.
- Keynote Speaker, Nathaniel Herr, Ph.D., Director of the Emotion Regulation Lab at American University and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, gave a fascinating Keynote Address on the key challenges of situations involving interpersonal conflict, particularly in environments where others are aiming to provoke strong reactions. Professor Herr’s address received an A+ from every attendee!
The agenda, speaker bios, as well as photos, can be found in the "Past Conference" section of the website. If you would like to access materials from these sessions, please log in and visit our "Library" section.
Initial Survey Results:
We are thrilled with the initial results of the Post-Conference Surveys completed by attendees:
- 100% rated the conference overall as either excellent or very good (85% “excellent” and 15% “very good”)
- 100% rated the panels and sessions as excellent or very good (80% “excellent and 20% “very good”)
- 100% rated the networking opportunities value as excellent or very good (80% “excellent” and 20% “very good”)
Representative comments included:
- "Well orchestrated, relevant, interactive and flawless."
- "I think this year's conference was one of the best."
- "The quality of the speakers and their presentations far exceeded my expectations."
- "An excellent conference at a really good venue."
Stay tuned for dates and venue for 2023 in Boston!
Once again, thank you to this year's sponsors:
Elizabeth Falk, Friday PM Coffee Break & Saturday PM Coffee Break
Kathy Adams, Friday Cocktail Hour Appetizers
SER Board of Directors, Friday Cocktail Hour
Jerry DeNigris

Patricia Koetting, Friday Dessert
Paul Carroll and
Alan Besnoff, Saturday AM Coffee Break