The August 5 issue of the Securities Arbitration Alert (“SAA”) reflects a changing of the guard of sorts. In just the past year, the Securities Arbitration Commentator, Inc. (“SAC”) has converted the Securities Arbitration Commentator newsletter from a print publication, after thirty-plus years, to a PDF publication. Then, six months later in January 2020, we merged the major elements of the PDF newsletter into the weekly Securities Arbitration Alert, transferred the SAC Board of Editors to the SAA, appointed George H. Friedman as Editor-in-Chief of the expanded, more robust SAA, and announced that electronic evolution of the SAA would result ultimately in a Web-based SAA publication.
That's still the plan, but it won't be SAC, Inc., that will be completing the project. It will be Mr. Friedman, through a publishing company, Securities Arbitration Alert, LLC (SAA, LLC). As of July 31 SAC, Inc. ceased publishing the SAA and transferred ownership of the Alert (only – not the rest of SAC’s assets!) to SAA, LLC, which commenced publication on August 6 of this substantially identical SAA. As we announced in messages to subscribers on July 13 and repeated July 24, current SAC/SAA subscribers will receive the new Securities Arbitration Alert through the end of 2020.
What of the remaining SAC services? We stress that only the Alert is under new management! SAC will continue to offer Award research services, such as arbitrator selection support (through its online ARBchek facility), customized Award searches, periodic Award surveys, and the popular email service: the UA (UPDATE: ARBchek), aka SAC's Award Reporter.
Our mutual goal has been to effect a smooth change in leadership with an essentially seamless transition experience for our subscribers, and to continue providing the latest news from the financial services ADR world. Feel free to contact either one of us.
Rick Ryder,
George Friedman,