The committees of The Securities Expert Roundtable are hard at work to constantly enhance the value of membership. We are pleased to report the following:
The Communications/Web Committee, Chaired by Geraldine Genco Dube, is responsible for designing changes to the SER Website, and implementing those changes. We encourage you to check out the SER Newsroom which regularly posts articles from SER members and also disseminates to our LinkedIn Page. All members are encouraged to contribute ideas for further Website changes, supplying resource materials to the Library, and telling us about newsworthy items for the SER Newsroom. Committee members include Charles Ranson.
The Finance Committee’s mission, Chaired by Jack Herrmann, is
The committee is pleased to report that SER is in sound financial condition with no debt and adequate liquidity to conduct our current level of operations. FinCom’s first quarter meeting was held on April 2, 2020. Committee members include Alan Besnoff, Elizabeth Falk, David Keogh, Patricia Koetting, and Gordon Yale.
The Membership Committee, Chaired by Alan Besnoff, is responsible for
Members are encouraged to identify prospective members and enlighten them with regard to the benefits of membership. The committee is pleased to announce new Associate Members, Barclay T. Leib, James M. Garber, and Brian Edstrom. Committee members include Jerry DeNigris, Bob Lawson, and Carrie Wisniewski.
The Mentorship and Practice Management Committee, Chaired by Bob Lawson, will provide opportunities for new and existing members to share experiences and ideas and connect with experienced Experts to brainstorm on tactics, standards of care, and practice management tips in an open forum throughout the year. Committee members include Paul Carroll, Jack Herrmann, Keith Loveland, and Ross Tulman.
The Nominating Committee’s duty, Chaired by Rick Ryder, is to identify and recruit qualified and interested members to serve as officers and directors of SER. Committee members include Jack Herrmann and Bob Graham.
The Public Relations Committee, Chaired by Carrie Wisniewski, is tasked with raising the awareness of SER as an organization. The committee working in coordination with the Communications/Web Committee is pleased to announce the publication of the fifth issue of the SER Expert’s Examiner. Committee members include Jerry DeNigris, Geraldine Genco Dube, Elizabeth Falk, and George H. Friedman.
The newly created Webinar Committee, Chaired by Elizabeth Falk, is tasked with producing a series of Webinar events for members. The committee hopes to put out several webinars this year. The inaugural SER webinar is expected to be scheduled for May 28th at 12PM ET. Registration details will be sent to members soon. Committee members include David Keogh, Patricia Koetting, and Gordon Yale.